Take Care Of Your Body Language During An Interview And Avoid These Mistakes Know Details

Take Care Of Your Body Language During An Interview And Avoid These Mistakes Know Details

Right Body Language For Interview: While going for the interview, what you wear, how you prepare and how much you study, there are some other important things that you should take care of. One of these is body language. If your body language is not matching with the answers then it is possible that you may not get selected despite giving the correct answer. This is not the only thing that matters in the interview, but your sitting posture, body language, hand actions, etc. matter a lot. Today let’s know what is the right body language for the interview.

start like this

When you go for an interview, take special care while shaking hands that neither shake hands too fast nor too light. Means the grip of the hand should neither be too loose nor too fast. Also, if your hands are wet or cold due to sweat, wipe them first. Do not do this in front of the interviewer.

The second important thing is to look into the eyes of the interviewer while handshake. Take special care of eye contact. Do not shake hands while lowering your eyes or looking elsewhere.

don’t cross legs

Whether you are a woman or a man, do not cross your legs while giving an interview. Keep your back straight, chin up and sit in the posture of attention. Girls can take one leg slightly behind the other keeping both legs down and straight. And boys can sit with both legs straight, connected from below and slightly open from above. Sit straight on the chair, the back should be straight. Slouched posture doesn’t give a good impression.

keep hands on feet don’t cross arms

Keep the hands straight and sit on your thigh. Do not cross them or put them in your pocket. Along with this, do not take your hands on the table until you come forward and explain something. Do not make unnecessary hand movements. To some extent, the action of the hands can explain one’s point, but too much movement shows haste and anxiety. Touching hair repeatedly with your hands while sitting, taking them to other parts of the body is not considered good.

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